Rewind Time: How to relax while on the run

In this day and age everyone harps on about maintaining a work/life balance but even when you take work out of the equation, there are still a million things you need to do before even considering the addition of some down-time. Somewhere along the line, people forgot that life in itself is not all sunshine and cocktails by the pool! Continue reading

Top 10 hacks that will change your life

Since I mentioned my love of YouTube videos in my introductory post, I thought I should include at least one of the videos on my blog! Continue reading

Welcome to the Modern Manic

If you are reading this, chances are you, like me, are addicted to those YouTube Life Hack videos showing people doing extraordinary things with ordinary everyday objects. Simple things that make you think “How have I survived this long without the knowledge of how to use a piece of string to prevent the annoying dripping sound on my laundry tap?!”

Well, I figured it was time to explore this whole fan-dangle life hack business a bit further to see if it could be applied to all areas of life. It was a silly question to ask as it became quickly obvious we, the human race, is always looking for shortcuts and hints to make our life easier. Because of this it was no surprise that I have found countless tonnes of websites, articles and street talk revolving around the subject and I am going to attempt to trawl through it all to give you some of the pointers I have found to be the most useful.

If you have any favourite life hacks you would like me to know about, drop me a line on the contact page.


human brain with arts that embraces a word "stress", 3d illustration

human brain with arts that embraces a word “stress”, 3d illustration