Community Ain’t Dead

In today’s time, we often forget about how important community can be and go on our merry isolated way, only worried about ourselves and our own. Just now I was reminded of how important the need for community really is.

I was ‘that’ mum at the supermarket today. You know, the one with the screaming child. The one who is too far into the mission to abort and so has to trudge on with gritty, desperate resolve. Yep, that was me. If it weren’t for the kindness of four (yes FOUR) complete strangers during my 40 minute trip, I’m sure there would have been a fatality. At the very least someone would have lost an eye.

So thank you.

Thank you to the man who packed my trolley for me after seeing me with a pile of bags and a baby in one arm.

Thank you to the boy who cleaned up my spilt punnet of cherry tomatoes and went and found me a new container.

Thank you to the woman who dropped all her shopping in the middle of the carpark so she could help me manoeuvre my trolley (still one handed) down a hill to my car and open the boot.

And thank you to the other woman who dragged my trolley back up the hill and returned it to the shop for me.

If it weren’t for you, I would have lost my shit completely.

So next time you see someone struggling with anything, take a second to connect. It might mean nothing to you but it will mean the world to them.




Rewind Time: How to relax while on the run

In this day and age everyone harps on about maintaining a work/life balance but even when you take work out of the equation, there are still a million things you need to do before even considering the addition of some down-time. Somewhere along the line, people forgot that life in itself is not all sunshine and cocktails by the pool! Continue reading