The Invisible Mentor


Avil Beckford writes for The Invisible Mentor and each month she spends hundreds of hours of researching and reading in order to bring us the most useful and enlightening information from older and perhaps forgotten writers whose works are still vital today.

To learn more from this great site, head to

Lifehack – Tips for Life


Lifehack is one of the most popular productivity and lifestyle blogs on the web and is a great source for tips to help improve all aspects of your life. The site is dedicated to life hacks and is frequently updated with articles by a team of contributors that just want to make your life as friction-free as possible.

Check out Lifehack and begin your journey to an easier life!

Work smarter not harder

Life can be hectic and overwhelming. There is always a list of things-to-do as long as your arm which never seems to get shorter but there are a few basic tips to help limit the collateral damage of procrastination and bad time management. Continue reading

Capsule Wardrobes: working with minimalism

You may or may not have heard about the recent capsule wardrobe movement that has been taking over women’s closets throughout the last 12 months but, for those of you who have not yet been enlightened, a Capsule Wardrobe is a mini wardrobe made up of a small number of versatile pieces of clothing which can then combine to make many different looks. Continue reading